We Give Thanks: Milestones, Mullets and More
It’s the time of year when people gather and give thanks. We’d be remiss if we didn’t partake in this tradition, especially since this year we’re a smidge more grateful than usual. We recently celebrated our 35th year in business. We didn’t make a big fuss, mind you. We simply reflected on how fortunate we are to be in an industry that’s ever evolving and to have customers who continue to trust us for their payment processing needs.
Well, we also thought about 1984, the year of our founding. Apple had just launched their computer line, mullets were popular, “digital” referred to calculators, and we were intent on providing the best service possible for our customers. Much has changed since then. We no longer have mullets. (Some of us no longer have hair.) Our dedication to our customers has been constant as has our gratitude.
So, in the spirit of the season, and from the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU. Thank you for trusting us with your business. Thank you for being our biggest cheerleaders. Thank you for inspiring us to be a better company. Thank you for 35 years. We’re very excited for what comes next. Hopefully, you are, too.
P.S. We’re thrilled to show our gratitude to the industry that started it all for us – journalism – and have made a donation to The GroundTruth Project. Please take a moment to learn more about this organization and the important work they’re doing to support the integrity of journalism.