Developer Portal

4.8 Create Token Requests**

FieldNameDescriptionTypeMin LengthMax Length
1Command** Not Supported in this release.AlphaN/AN/A
2AccountCredit card account number.Number1519
3ExpirationExpiration date. MMYY or MMYYYYNumber46
4FirstNameFirst name of cardholderany064
5LastNameLast name of cardholder or company nameany064
6AddressAddress of cardholderany0128
7CityCity of cardholderany0128
8StateState of cardholder, 2 digit abbreviation or 3 character Canadian provinceAlpha03
9ZipcodeZipcode of cardholderany09
10PhonePhone number of cardholderNumber010
11EmailEmail of cardholderany0128
12Notes1User data up to 64 bytesany064
13Notes2User data up to 64 bytesany064
14Notes3User data up to 64 bytesany064

** Not Supported in this release.

# Sample file template with token delimiter ;
<Command>;<Account>;<Expiration>; <FirstName>;<LastName>;<Address>;<City>;<State>;<Zip>;<Phone>;

# Sample Sale file delimiter ; 
CCCreatetoken;4012888888881881;1121;John;Doe; 222 Rosewood;Danvers;
MA;01923; 8004579932;[email protected];test1;test2;test3



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