Developer Portal


16 Payway Test Response Results

Payway provides common response results for the development and test/stage environments. Note that any account/transactions do not get transmitted to the credit network.  The responses below are returned when specific accounts are used for processing.

WARNING:  ONLY USE THE ‘paywayCode’ as the element to determine a transaction result. 

Account NumberpaywayCodeResultstatusDescription
42120000987654375012The transaction was declined.8Declined.
60110009920021335012The transaction was declined.8Declined.
54997500000000075033The transaction state was invalid.7Error/Rejected.
3411116142410016000Company Configuration Error.7Error/Rejected.
54322571010338796000Other Error.-payway error 17. Payway does not have the mapping for this error.7Error/Rejected.
47230919484047745018Payway cannot connect to the processor.7Error/Rejected.
45394064090794245004Operation Prohibited- the service account does not have permission to process transactions.7Error/Rejected.
53347003786095085044Invalid state or province code (CAN).7Error/Rejected.
40850259965465675045Invalid zip or postal code(CAN).7Error/Rejected.
54909929020404545037Invalid credit card expiration date.7Error/Rejected.
47165216350953445035Invalid credit card account number.7Error/Rejected.
40240071012429895020Duplicate transaction-the unique identifier was already submitted to payway for this source.7Error/Rejected.
45327551868298325049Invalid amount- the amount cannot be $0.007Error/Rejected.
49163115518376085036Invalid address.7Error/Rejected.
49162970248907145040Invalid city.7Error/Rejected.
43516170357280455039Invalid credit card method of payment-the merchant is not authorized to process this card type.7Error/Rejected.
47169302713749495032Invalid transaction type-the customer’s credit card issuer disallowed this type of transaction.7Error/Rejected.
45564450198826845009The service account user has been set invalid.7Error/Rejected.
45326576502450185048Invalid token-the token is invalid, closed or does not exist.7Error/Rejected.
45398241751938095038The fraud security code is invalid- American Express 4 digits, all others 3 digits.7Error/Rejected.
49161749555471285003Invalid password for the service account.7Error/Rejected.
45324562432482945051Invalid sales tax.7Error/Rejected.
45566078667734035089The reply from the credit card processor was invalid.7Error/Rejected


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