Developer Portal
8 Background Requests
Examples for samples of all requests.
8.1 Get a Payway Session
JSON ‘request’ value | getPaywaySession |
DESCRIPTION | Obtains a Payway session token based upon presented credentials |
URL | /Session |
METHOD | Post |
CONSUMES | text/json |
PRODUCES | text/json |
NOTES | Most PaywayWS requests require a valid Payway session token, which must be retrieved using this request. The exception is sendQueuedTransaction which requires a paywayRequestToken. Session tokens can be used for multiple requests. Session tokens that are not used for 5 minutes are deleted and a new session will have to be requested. Multiple active sessions for the same user are allowed. DO NOT CALL THIS METHOD FROM A BROWSER. This is to be called from a secure site connected to PaywayWS. User credentials for the development, testing, and live systems will be provided by Payway for integration and setup. The Payway_Admin web application is used by merchants to manage users and credentials. |
8.2 Trial Authorize
JSON ‘request’ value | trialAuthorize |
DESCRIPTION | trialAuthorize performs a verification of $0.00 on the cardholder’s credit card. No credit hold is issued on the cardholder’s account. The accountInputMode can either be primaryAccountNumber or paywayAccountToken. If primaryAccountNumber is used, payway will also return a vault token(paywayAccountToken) in the JSON Reply that corresponds to the customer’s account. This can be used in future subsequent transactions. |
URL | /Payment/CreditCard |
METHOD | Post |
CONSUMES | text/json |
PRODUCES | text/json |
NOTES | This feature must be enabled by payway prior to production requests. |
8.3 Authorize Request
JSON ‘request’ value | Authorize |
DESCRIPTION | DESCRIPTION Authorize puts a hold, for the amount of the authorization, on the cardholder’s account. A subsequent capture request must be executed to transfer the funds. |
URL | /Payment/CreditCard |
METHOD | Post |
CONSUMES | text/json |
PRODUCES | text/json |
8.4 Capture Authorized Transaction
JSON ‘request’ value | capture |
DESCRIPTION | Capture previously authorized funds |
URL | /Payment/CreditCard |
METHOD | Post |
CONSUMES | text/json |
PRODUCES | text/json |
NOTES | Transactions that are authorized place a hold on the account holder’s account for the amount of the authorization. These funds can be captured by calling the method described below. Funds will be transferred during the daily settlement process. Separate Authorize and Capture is used in a fulfillment environment where the payment is authorized at purchase time and the goods or service are delivered later. |
8.5 Sale Request
JSON ‘request’ value | sale |
DESCRIPTION | A sale request is equivalent to an Authorize, followed by a Capture. A hold is placed on the credit card account, and funds are transferred during the nightly settlement. |
URL | /Payment/CreditCard |
METHOD | Post |
CONSUMES | text/json |
PRODUCES | text/json |
8.7 Credit (Refund)
JSON ‘request’ value | credit |
DESCRIPTION | A credit request will transfer funds from the merchant account to the cardholder. This is often called a refund. |
URL | /Payment/CreditCard |
METHOD | Post |
CONSUMES | text/json |
PRODUCES | text/json |
8.6 Sale Pre Authorized
JSON ‘request’ value | salePreAuthorized |
DESCRIPTION | In some cases, an authorization is performed outside of PaywayWS. In order to enter these transactions into Payway, the salePreAuthorized request is supported. The authorization code received externally is entered as part of this request. The funds are deposited in the same manner as authorizations performed through PaywayWS. |
URL | /Payment/CreditCard |
CONSUMES | text/json |
PRODUCES | text/json |
8.8 Void (Cancel)
JSON ‘request’ value | void |
DESCRIPTION | Transactions that have not yet been deposited may be voided using the void request. After a transaction has been deposited (money transferred), a credit request is required to refund the money to the cardholder. Void will succeed on transactions that are authorized or captured, but not yet deposited. In general, voids must be done on the same day as the authorize, capture, or sale. Otherwise a refund must be issued. |
URL | /Payment/CreditCard |
METHOD | Post |
CONSUMES | text/json |
PRODUCES | text/json |
8.10 Read Transaction Information
JSON ‘request’ value | getTransaction |
DESCRIPTION | Returns the transaction and payment account information for the specified transaction. |
URL | /Query/CreditCard |
METHOD | Get |
CONSUMES | text/json |
PRODUCES | text/json |
NOTES | Transactions are uniquely identified by a source ID and transaction name. |
8.9 Add Account
JSON ‘request’ value | addAccount |
DESCRIPTION | This request is used to add a payment account to the PaywayWS vault for later use. |
URL | /Account/CreditCard |
METHOD | Put |
CONSUMES | text/json |
PRODUCES | text/json |
NOTES | A paywayAccountToken is returned that can be used in future transactions. |
8.11 Read Account Information
JSON ‘request’ value | getAccount |
DESCRIPTION | Used to find a particular payment account. |
URL | URL /Query/CreditCard |
METHOD | Get |
CONSUMES | text/json |
PRODUCES | text/json |
NOTES | Payment accounts are uniquely identified by division ID and account token. |
8.12 Update Account Data
Use this method to update account data. Account number cannot be updated. If there is a new account number use addAccount and you will get a new token. All other fields normally input by addAccount can be updated with this method, including expiration date. Note that if you are using Payway’s Account Updater expiration dates will automatically be updated when they change.
JSON ‘request’ value | updateAccount |
DESCRIPTION | Used to update a particular payment account. |
URL | /Query/CreditCard |
METHOD | Put |
CONSUMES | text/json |
PRODUCES | text/json |
NOTES | Payment accounts are uniquely identified by division ID and account token. |
8.13 Update Transaction Notes
Use this method to update optional notes fields for a specific transaction. Only the notes fields can be updated.
JSON ‘request’ value | updateTransactionNotes |
DESCRIPTION | Used to update notes for specific transaction. |
URL | /Payment/CreditCard |
METHOD | Put |
CONSUMES | text/json |
PRODUCES | text/json |
NOTES | Notes fields can only be updated. |