Payway Announces Support for American Express® Cardrefresher℠
Provides Users Automatic Way to Manage Card Member Information
Danvers, MA – November 15, 2022 – Payway®, an integrated payment processing solution, announced today support for American Express (AMEX) Cardrefresher, providing users with an automatic way to stay on top of card member information, and keep recurring payments and sales coming.
Previously, AMEX had handled its own card updates for customers, but the organization has now shared its API so payment solution providers, like Payway, can offer this service to customers.
“Payway is excited to integrate AMEX’s API into our solution so now, in addition to supporting Account Updater programs for Visa and MasterCard, we support AMEX Cardrefresher. This gives our customers an additional means to protect against customer churn and card declines. We are always looking for ways to bring additional functionality to our solution and the Cardresher program will certainly benefit our customers,” said Kimberly Miller, EVP, strategy and operations, Payway.
Cardrefresher keeps American Express® Cards in a customer’s system up to date – sending updates to processors, who keep track of recurring billing and card-on-file data. Integrating AMEX Cardrefresher will help businesses that depend on recurring revenue from experiencing disruptions in payment flow due to card expirations or updates. It allows businesses to get paid on time and prevents delays in fulfillments.
To learn more about implementing Cardrefresher, contact Payway at payway.com/contact.
About Payway
Payway is a proven payment service provider that helps card-not-present and subscription businesses simplify and accelerate transaction processing leading to improved cash flow and significantly lowering the costs associated with accepting recurring payments.
Payway has decades of experience in managing card-not-present payments and provides their customers the most up-to-date security features. Payway built their user-friendly payment processing solution to be responsive to the needs of organizations who operate a recurring payment business model, like the many publishing and media companies they’ve served since 1984.
Media Contact:
Erin Farrell Talbot
Farrell Talbot Consulting, Inc.